June 06, 2008


Phobia - Grind Your Fucking Head In
I'm not the biggest Phobia fan, they're pretty standard grind, not bad by any means.

World Burns to Death - Totalitarian Sodomy
Crust/D-beat. I guess some guy's from Severed Head Of State, so that's pretty cool.

Horna - Haudankylmyyden Mailla
Rapidgay, sorry. I've no idea what genre this is either.


Flesh Monolith said...

Thanks a ton! i have an extensive collection of black metal (some good obscure stuff) ask for anything and i'd be happy to offer.

R0flmywaffles said...

Will do, though I've been slacking on my black metal lately. I like The Legion quite a bit though. Anything you have similar to Killgasm? Or even if you have some Killgasm, that'd be sweet.