September 23, 2008

Ultimate Warriors.

Short write up here, just something I uploaded for someone. The Ultimate Warriors were an obscure first or second wave power violence band. I think first. They used to wear Mexican wrestling masks while performing so you know they're good.
The Ultimate Warriors - Self-titled

September 11, 2008

What's that, I uploaded something?

Weird, I know. This time it's Kill The Client, grindcore in the vein of Birdflesh. They were featured on This Comp Kills Fascists, but if I recall correctly they sound totally different on that than they do here. Both good of course. But whatever.
Kill The Client - Escalation Of Hostility

September 09, 2008

Entheogenic - Dialogue of the Speakers

I've been fapping over this daily. Get it now.

Anyone too lazy to DL can listen to a song on IMEEM, it's my favourite track.
Entheogenic - Pagan Dream Machine (Vibrasphere remix)